Saturday 19 October 2013

Weekend reading and viewing: 19th - 20th October 2013

Growing Up With a Disabled Sibling
Rachel Adams, Motherlode, New York Times, 10th October 2013
“Mom, when are you going to write a book about me?” my 7-year-old son, Noah, asked as we sat on the floor of his room, surrounded by packing materials from the box that had arrived earlier that day. Inside were copies of my new book, each with a picture of me holding Noah’s brother, Henry, on the cover. Henry has Down syndrome, and the book is about the first three years of his life ...

Behind the Scenes - I'm a Champion
A short look behind the scenes of filming a campaign to support the Special Olympics Asia Pacific Games in December this year. The film crew included film making students with intellectual disabilities. The finished videos are here.

Maureen Wallace, Chasing Charlie, 9th October 2013
... What would you do? Some organizations that advocate for people with disabilities share tips and even practice scenarios. Here are some of my favorites ... (Brian Skotko) shared advice that immediately depressurized my social spine, or my inclination to feel the need to speak up every time I hear the R-word.

That's not my name - an anti hate-crime anthem
Paul, Stay Up Late, 23rd September 2013
... we were concerned how words around disability were used in the media and so we thought we’d have a go at writing a song ... The words ‘hate crime’ weren’t holding a meaning for the people with learning disabilities that we were talking to, and that obviously presents a real problem. How can you report a crime if you don’t know it’s being committed? ... we talked about how, among other things, it’s about the abusive names people get called ... And here’s the result – our anthem against disability hate crime, and we’re happy for this to be shared far and wide to help spread the message.

Confessions of a special needs parent: the hard things
Ellen Stumbo, finding beauty in brokenness, 6th June 2013
Parenting a child with special needs can be a challenge, and often those challenges feel like a strong tidal wave coming at us, threatening to make us lose our balance, to fall, to give up. But we don’t. We never do ...

21 Things People Don’t Get About Kids With Down Syndrome
Ellen Seidman, Babble, 14th October 2013
In honor of Down Syndrome Awareness Month, I decided to ask parents of kids with Down syndrome about the stuff people just don’t get about their kids. There are so many misconceptions, misunderstandings and flat-out mistakes about children with DS, and just what having three copies of the 21st chromosome means. Things can be especially challenging when kids are little-little and in that stage where parents are constantly comparing milestones ... (Click on the photos at the end of the page to read the following 20 responses)

A Break from the Norm
Jessica-isms, 14th May 2013
... For the past decade I have been under the impression that there is such thing as a “perfect” special needs child. You know that perfectly cute, exceedingly happy child that lights up the room when they enter – the “poster child” for their disability? My child most certainly is NOT that child ...
Recess for your Child with Special Needs: 7 Challenges and Solutions
Karen Wang, Friendship Circle, 17th October 2013
Recess has major benefits for children’s well-being and ability to learn. ... But sometimes recess is the most anxiety-provoking part of the school day: 15 to 30 minutes of unstructured play surrounded by noisy kids.

TV Characters With Disabilities On The Rise
Shaun Heasley, Disability Scoop, 14th October 2013
Twice as many characters with disabilities will appear on broadcast television this year as compared to last, a new report finds, though they still account for just 1 percent of those depicted.

Disability - a fate worse than death?
Stella Young,  Ramp Up, 18th October 2013
Relieved at the defeat of the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill yesterday, ABC Ramp Up Editor Stella Young remains opposed to legalising assisted death in any form. Here she explains why.

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