Saturday 30 November 2013

Weekend reading and viewing: 30th November - 1st December 2013

Selfish Advocacy
Jisun Lee, Kimchi Latkes, 22nd November 2013
You know why I care so much about disability as a civil rights issue? It isn’t just about my son. I also care about disability rights for an utterly selfish reason. Me. Yes, me. I’m not considered disabled, yet, I live with 100% certainty that I will experience disability in my lifetime.

Disability is just a matter of time ...

One. The Act of One
Dave Hingsburger, Rolling Around in My Head, 20th November 2013
... They say it takes a village. That may be true. But sometimes it takes the action of just one brave person.

Living with Down Syndrome
Mario Wezel, CNN Photos, 24th November 2013
Photo essay in response to the declining birth incidence of babies with Down syndrome in Denmark.

A sneak peek into the future …
Vanda Ridley, Down's Syndrome Association blog (London), 27th november 2013
...  Poseidon is a three year project which has been funded by the European Commission. The goal of the project is to create information technology which will support people with Down’s syndrome achieve a greater level of independence in their lives. The technology will address a wide range of issues in a variety of environments including home, education, work and leisure. Types of technology that may be developed will include apps for tablets and smartphones, virtual reality programs and interactive visual tables ...

Women with disabilities at risk of violence
PM, ABC Radio, 25th November 2013
... Today is White Ribbon Day, a national campaign to end violence against women. It's an important issue for all women, including disabled women who make up 20 per cent of Australia's female population ...

Special Olympics Australia  photo gallery from the Asia Pacific Games in Newcastle, 1st - 7th December 2013, on Flickr
Several albums of photos from the preparation for and lead up to the Asia Pacific Games - will be added to throughout the week.

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