Saturday 16 November 2013

Weekend reading, viewing and listening: 16th - 17th November 2013

Our kids in the media
Bloom, 9th November 2013
... It's phenomenal that this little guy is on the cover of the magazine, but why couldn't he be included as simply part of the vast "kid" landscape, which he is, rather than being "identified" as having a syndrome? Why couldn't he just be Hudson, with a descriptor about his personality or what he likes? ...

Down Syndrome Healthcare
Katharin Czink, Medical Watch - WGN.TV, 8th November 2013 (2m 50s video)
A brief opportunity to see Dr Brian Chicoine, medical director of the Adult Down Syndrome Centre in Chicago, at work with some of the 5,500 people with Down syndrome who have consulted the clinic.

Global Down Syndrome Foundation, 13th November 2013
The Global Down Syndrome Foundation (“Global”)  - based in Denver, Colorado - has hired Down syndrome behavioral expert Dennis McGuire, Ph.D., to help establish a world-class medical care and research center for adults with Down syndrome under the umbrella of the Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome ...
Mark Leach, Down Syndrome Prenatal Testing, 14th November 2013
... At the Madigan Army Medical Center, genetic counselors conducted a study of over 400 patients. About 75% of the participants received individual counseling and 25% participated in group counseling sessions. Here’s what the counselors found ...

Kids and emotions
Kate Strohm, Siblings Australia, 31st October 2013
... it can be very difficult to talk about the feelings and often parents will try to hide their own feelings of grief, anger and guilt in order to protect their children – both the one with a disability and those without ...
Hiding behind niceness
Leah Hobson, Ramp Up, 15th November 2013
... "Sometimes," I said, swinging my legs and looking at the sky, "people tell me how they could almost forget that I'm disabled."

My friend smiled the way she does when something is funny even though it really isn't. "I know what you mean," she said. "It's like when people tell me they could almost forget that I'm Asian." ...

Lou, my name is Lou
A music video featuring a boy with a disability (autism spectrum). Sung in French with subtitles in both French and English.

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