Friday 6 December 2013

Australian and International messages and statements on International Day of People with Disability 2013

International Day of People with Disability was celebrated earlier this week, on 3rd December, but events always begin in the days leading up to, and continue well beyond 3rd. These are some of the formal statements and messages released for the occasion in 2013.

Message on the International Day for Persons with DisabilitiesStatement attributable to the President of the General Assembly of the United NationsUnited Nations, New York, 3 December 2013
Over 1 billion persons throughout our world are disabled. On this International Day, the global community has come together to promote awareness and mobilize support for the inclusion, at all levels, of all persons with disabilities. 
Disabled people make up the largest and most disadvantaged minority in the world --nearly 15 percent of the world's population. The majority of disabled persons across the globe are from developing countries. Many of them live in poverty, face discrimination, and are denied basic opportunities for growth. 
On September 23 2013, under my leadership, the United Nations General Assembly convened the historic first-ever High-level Meeting on Disability and Development, and adopted a landmark outcome document aimed at creating a fully disabled-inclusive society as a part of the Post-2015 Development Agenda. 
This year under the theme “Break Barriers, Open Doors: for an inclusive society and development for all,” the international community is calling for a global effort to make physical environments, transportation and information accessible to everyone and to change attitudes that fuel stigmatization and discrimination. What the global community needs now are tools for action and change, in order to realize an inclusive society where everyone’s rights are protected and equal opportunities are supported. 
I call on all Member States to move forward in this direction. The new landmark outcome document sets the vision beyond the Millennium Development Goals target date and underscores the need for disability-inclusive development strategies in the post-2015 setting. We must take aim at breaking down barriers and creating opportunities so that all human beings can live their lives to the fullest.
Down Syndrome Australia, 3rd December 2013
Down Syndrome Australia today celebrates International Day of People with Disability together with our friends and colleagues around the globe. International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) is a United Nations sanctioned day that aims to promote understanding of disability and recognition of the dignity, rights and wellbeing of people with disability ...
International Day of People with a Disability turns 21
Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield, Assistant Minister for Social Services, 3rd December 2013
... This year is a significant milestone for International Day of People with Disability—marking 21 years of promoting an understanding of people with disability. 
International Day of People with Disability is a fantastic opportunity to acknowledge the contributions made by Australians with disability. It’s also a good time to reflect on the important achievements that have been made to improve economic and social participation for people with disability in Australia. 
Today serves as a reminder of what still needs to be done to ensure Australians with disability have access to opportunities to fully participate in social and economic life ...
Transcript and video of speech for International Day of People with Disability, at the Australian National Museum
Human Rights Commissioner, Graeme Innes, 4th December 2013
... As people with disability, we're not heroes and we're not victims. We're agents of our own destiny ...

The NSW Government released some significant policy documents on International Day of People with Disability:

NSW Reveals Latest Disability Services Policy
Pro Bono News Australia, 5th December 2013
The Ready Together policy will prepare NSW for the transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) by July 2018 and “reaffirms” the State's $2 billion commitment to transition to an individual model of support, according to the NSW Government
The policy includes the NSW Government National Disability Insurance Scheme (NSW Enabling) Bill, which provides for the transfer of the employment and entitlements of public sector disability services employees in connection with the Federal Government’s NDIS to another public sector agency or to a non-government sector employer. 
Also part of the plan is the Disability Inclusion Bill, which will protect the rights of people with disability and promotes community inclusion ... read more here

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