Tuesday 4 February 2014

Research news and commentary #1 for 2014

New Research Publications on Sleep and Cognition
Down Syndrome Research and Treatment Foundation, Newsflash: January 2014
This news itemprovides links to three new research reports on links between sleep and cognitive development in children and older people with Down syndrome.
“These new studies represent a deepening understanding of the correlation between levels of cognitive function and sleep disruption, including sleep apnea, in people with Down syndrome,” says Dr. Michael Harpold, DSRTF’s Chief Scientific Officer and Chair, Scientific Advisory Board, “as well as offering greater insight into the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s disease in adults with Ds as they age.” With DSRTF’s continuing support of research exploring the mechanistic relationships between cognition and sleep dysfunction, Dr. Harpold is optimistic about the development of evidence-based therapeutic strategies to improve cognitive function through addressing sleep dysfunction.
FuseWorks Media, Voxy.co.nz, 24th January 2014
A University of Canterbury (UC) study is using video modelling and video self-modelling to help teach job skills to prospective employees with Down syndrome ...

Introducing the Centre for Applied Disability Research (CADR)
The Centre for Applied Disability Research (CADR) is a new applied disability research centre based in the sector and seed-funded by NSW Government. It has been created to improve the wellbeing of Australians with disability by gathering insights, building understanding and sharing knowledge. 
CADR will undertake an integrated series of policy, research and sector development initiatives that together deliver a State of the Sector assessment. Additionally, CADR aims to undertake commission, monitor and disseminate the key findings of recent disability-focused research and evaluation from throughout Australia and internationally. 
CADR believes that for people with disability to exercise their rights, they need real choices. This requires an efficient and effective ‘market’ and a sustainable sector to enable client choice and control.   (CADR home page)

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