Tuesday 11 March 2014

News and commentary on the NDIS (17)

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National Disability Insurance Scheme News, 7th March 2014
If you missed the recent webinar or would like to revisit the discussion, ‘A Strong Voice: Self-Advocacy’ is now available online. Accessible formats include video, voice, captioning, transcript and Auslan ...
NDIS Taskforce releases $2.4 million for disability services
Harry Belot, The Canberra Times, 28th February 2014
The ACT NDIS Taskforce has released a further $2.4 million of funding to support Canberrans living with disabilities in the latest round of the Enhanced Service Offers, a precursor to the NDIS ...

National Disability Insurance Scheme facing review of ‘core’ functions
Rick Morton, The Australian, 27th February 2014
The chief executive of the National Disability Insurance Agency has revealed the organisation has hired consultants to review the “core and critical functions” of the insurance scheme, even as the minister responsible for it assured Senate estimates there would be no changes to funding, scope or delays to the rollout ...

Planning starts for NDIS workforce
PS News 398, 25th February 2014
A report into workforce issues to help develop a strategy in the lead-up to the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has been ordered by the Government. National Disability Services (NDS), the peak body for non-government disability service organisations, had been contracted to deliver the report, Assistant Minister for Social Services, Senator Mitch Fifield, said.

Mr Fifield has met representatives of the NDS to identify priority areas ... The Final Report will be delivered to the Government in August 2014 ...

Our new disability scheme is changing lives. Don't let the Liberals destroy it
Jenny Macklin, The Guardian, 24th February 2014
On behalf of thousands of Australians with disability, their families and carers, I have one very simple message for the government: we aren’t turning back ...

NDIS: First experiences (audio file - 21 m)
Life Matters, ABC Radio National, 24th February 2914
What has been the experience of the first users of the NDIS? In July last year four locations across Australia were chosen to host trials of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Life Matters speaks to two mothers, both have disabled children, about what the NDIS has been like for them.

Quality Assurance and Safeguards Working Arrangements for the Launch of the NDIS in New South Wales - As agreed between the Commonwealth of Australia and New South Wales
The New South Wales Government and the National Disability Insurance Agency have worked to ensure that the strengths of the existing quality assurance and safeguards in New South Wales apply to National Disability Insurance Scheme participants in the Hunter trial.
This document, dated October 2013 is now available online, from the NSW Ageing, Disability and Home Care website.

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