Friday 21 March 2014

Weekend reading and viewing: 22nd - 23rd March 2014

World Down Syndrome Day Edition

World Down Syndrome Day is for all of us
Sipping Lemonade,18th March 2013MARCH 18, 2014
... The heart of this day is for anyone who is or loves someone who is human.

It’s World We’re-All-Created-Equal Day.

World We-All-Matter Day.

It’s World Don’t-Count-Me-Out Day and World I’ll-Surprise-The-Heck-Out-Of-You Day ...

Our story: siblings, Down syndrome, and unexpected beauty
Mark Leach, Down Syndrome Prenatal Testing, 13th March 2014
A good friend found this photo of my kids earlier this week and posted it to Facebook. I found myself transfixed by it. I wonder if you see what I see?

Down syndrome: a year of grief and joy
Genevieve Shaw Brown, Good Morning America (ABC News), 15th March 2014
... "But he’ll also know that even though I was scared, my love for him was stronger than the fear. And that he has brought me nothing but pride and joy."...

Understanding the Spectrum: Severity of Down Syndrome
Jennifer Bekins, Talk - Down Syndrome, 16th March 2014
... I recognize the importance of understanding how a child learns and interacts with others; however, I see this as a very different type of question than the high-functioning/low-functioning inquiry ...

Getting to know Rosie
Jamie McCallum, Scotland Herald, 16th March 2014
... Over the last 12 months I have learned that Down's Syndrome is neither awful nor does it have to be an affliction for those who have it. Children and adults with Down's Syndrome are often very happy, contented individuals. Not only that but it appears that their capabilities, opportunities and achievements are increasing exponentially ...

3/21 a day in the life - a blog hop
Down Syndrome Blogs - celebrating World Down Syndrome Day blogger style

My Turn: Love for special-needs brother helps overcome societal ignorance
Pat McElroy, Daily Breeze News, 16th March 2014 (reprint)
... My mom, who was among the most shy of people, soon started writing letters to the editor every time she felt the “retarded” were portrayed in a less that favorable light. During one memorable exchange with Leon Uris, author of “Exodus,” she extracted a written apology and correction from Random House during a reprint of his book “A Terrible Beauty” because he had casually used the term Mongoloid. She still has his handwritten apology. Plus an autographed copy of the book for Matthew ...

Chromosomes R Us - a celebration for World Down Syndrome Day
Shebang Inclusive Learning (UK), 20th March 2014
A short film by actors with Down Syndrome  (and a narrator with a fabulous accent) on how Trisomy 21 occurs. Made by Shabang Inclusive Learning in collaboration with Mediapreview (

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