Monday 14 April 2014

Living My Way: new video from the Aboriginal Disability Network NSW

Aboriginal Disability Network NSW developed the video Living My Way to enhance understanding about disability in Aboriginal communities. Aboriginal people with disability and their families from around New South Wales allowed us to capture their stories to share and create awareness for others living with disability ... view it online here.

Living My Way
Jake Briggs, Ramp Up, 11th April 2014
... Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people do not recognise disability or identify as disabled. So, it is important that the implementation of the NDIS in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities is led by Aboriginal people.

This is a new conversation in many Aboriginal communities so we need to plan for the long-term to ensure the opportunities are realised and that all people with disability are empowered to participate in a truly inclusive society ...

Jake Briggs is Chairman of the Aboriginal Disability Network NSW and works in the construction industry. He is one of the people featured in the video.

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