Friday 4 April 2014

Weekend reading and viewing: 5th - 6th April 2014

Health and wellbeing – Access and equality for all on the occasion of World Down Syndrome Day
Panel discussions, United Nations, 21st March 2014
Co-organized by Down Syndrome International, in collaboration with the Permanent Missions of Australia, Brazil, India, Poland and Japan, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Disability Alliance (IDA).

My teacher of life
Ellen Stumbo, Finding Beauty in Brokenness, 7th July 2012
... I look at Nichole and I am trapped in her eyes, unable to look away, unable to question anymore. The little girl that looks back at me is not broken, and she is not less than perfect. The value of her life is not found in all the things that she will never be, but in the things that she is ...

Mark is not Down Syndrome This short video (2m 18s) was made by Mark's parents to introduce him to the planning group at his school so that they 'can get to know him before deciding his educational services for the upcoming year. Mark just turned 8.'

It has been circulating on the internet this week, with several other families commenting that using a similar approach made a positive difference to how the subsequent planning went. Even if your child's school does not hold a formal Individual Education Plan, a short video might be a very useful introduction for a new teacher or other team members, and help to dispel unwarranted pre-conceptions. Direct link to the video on You Tube.

An Open Letter to Parents of Kids with Special Needs
Meriah Nicholls, With a little Moxie, 24th March 2014
... equal access for your child needs to spill over to equal access for everyone with a disability.
How can you say that closed captions “cost too much” and dismiss the subject – then in the next breath, talk about the supports your child has a right to receive in school? ...

Gillian Marchenko, Chicago Parent, 31st March 2014
When a parent first hears, 'your child has a disability,' it can be shocking, saddening and scary. If you find yourself in this situation, here are a few things you can do that might help ...

Thoughts on Group Service Models for People with Disabilities
Dale DiLeo, Ending Disability Segregation, 27th March 2014
... Understanding how groups function is a key to successful individual community life as well as personal self-worth ...

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