Wednesday 14 May 2014

2014 - 2015 Federal Budget, delivered 13th May 2014: effects on people with disability and carers, responses

Budget 2014-15: Disability and Carers - portfolio statement, includes details of changes and implementation dates.

BUDGET 2014: A mixed bag for disability
“We need a jobs guarantee, not a welfare guarantee”
Media release from People with Disability Australia, in response to the Federal Budget, 13th May 2014

People with Disability Australia (PWDA) has welcomed the Budget announcement that the Federal Government intends to roll out the NDIS on time and in full.

However, PWDA expressed concerns that thousands under the age of 35 on the Disability Support Pension (DSP) will be medically reassessed and may be moved onto Newstart or Youth Allowance, along with changes to indexation to the DSP that will erode the safety net over time.

Many people with disability face discrimination in employment, and PWDA also calls for the Government to fill a dedicated Disability Discrimination Commissioner position from July 2014.

The Government has announced that people on DSP under 35 years of age will be reassessed by an independent doctor except for people who are "severe and manifest." People who are found eligible will have to undertake a program of activities to build their work capacity. The pathway for people who are not eligible is unclear but may involve those people going onto Newstart or even the much lower Youth Allowance. A group of older people with disability over 50 could be supported through wage subsidies of $10,000 which increase over time.

PWDA President Craig Wallace said, “We want to see more people in jobs, not on welfare. PWDA believes that any young people reassessed and found ineligible should be offered a job, apprenticeship or training opportunity rather than pushed onto Newstart or Youth Allowance. Young people need a restart to embark on a life of opportunity and the Government should provide wage subsidies to them as a first priority.

"We also think a jobs plan should include changes to Disability Employment Services and believe the focus should be on allowing people to purchase economic participation outcomes.

“Reassessing people without jobs to go to, will mean they are tossed onto Newstart or Youth Allowance and into greater poverty. People with disability are more likely to be out of paid employment than other people of working age, with a labour force participation rate of 54% versus 83%. 45% of people with disability are also near or below the poverty line,” said Mr Wallace. “If young people with disability can’t get employment now, what hope will they have if they wind up homeless and unable to afford rent, medication, transport, clothes or GP visits?

“Despite the talk of easy welfare, the reality is that life on the DSP is far from easy. For example, our figures show a person on the DSP living in Sydney’s inner west moving from DSP onto Newstart would leave them destitute - $200 a week short of cash." (Attachment A – A Reality Check - Jobs, Newstart and DSP). People on Newstart live on $255 p.w or $36 per day, while people on DSP live on $421 p.w or $60 per day - so this will mean a loss of $166 per week. Even worse some people may wind up on Youth Allowance which is even less - $214 a week or $30 a day.

“If we couldn’t get people into work at the height of the boom with a skills shortage, what hope do we have now without a coordinated plan? The Treasurer says everyone has a part in turning things around, so we call on Government to form a compact with big business to create opportunities and lift people with disability out of poverty. Let’s create 500 jobs each from top 40 companies within the ASX 100, with Government stumping up to provide the rest to make a dint in the long term decline in public sector jobs for people with disability.

“Beyond participation, PWDA believes that we will always need to retain generosity and a safety net for those most vulnerable including through DSP. We are concerned that the incomes of those most vulnerable people will be eroded by the new indexation arrangements linked to CPI from 2017 rather than average male wages.

“We congratulate Government on its decision to leave the rollout timetable and funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme untouched, including addressing an error in the application of the efficiency dividend. The Productivity Commission said the NDIS would generate a 1% boost to the GDP through greater workforce participation by people with disability and carers. It is the right and decent thing to do.

"Implementing the NDIS and creating opportunity through jobs will require a concerted attack on discrimination and the barriers which people with disability face every day. For that reason, PWDA notes the decision to reduce appointments to the Australian Human Rights Commission and calls on Government to ensure that a dedicated Disability Discrimination Commissioner is appointed when vacancies occur in July 2014," said Mr Wallace.

Increased poverty for disability community shouldn’t be required to balance the budget - Carers Australia response to the budget, 13th May 2014

Budget divides the nation, young and old, rich and poor - Australian Council of Social Services' response to the budget, 13th May 2014

Budget fails students with disability - Children with Disability Australia, 13th May 2014
The 2014 Budget has failed students with disability in Australia.
Students with disability have been left out of the federal Budget, despite a clear commitment to increase funding for students with disability as part of the National Education Reform in the 2015 school year.

Stephanie Gotlib, Executive Officer of Children with Disability Australia (CDA) said: “A typical school experience for students with disability involves limited choice of school, discrimination, bullying, limited or no funding for support and resources, inadequately trained staff and having to contend with a culture of low expectations,”

“These failings have become entrenched in the education system and the urgency of delivering system wide solutions is now acute. It is crucial that we have adequate funding to implement the necessary reform.”

Stephanie Gotlib said: “Tonight’s Budget will have long-term implications. Without access to a quality education many young people with disability will be on a fast track to the Disability Support Pension.”

ABC Ramp Up funding cut - ABC budget response, 13th May 2014
... In addition to the funding cuts, the ABC will also have to manage the cessation of funding for the online disability website, ABC Ramp Up at the end of this financial year ...

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