Friday 16 May 2014

Weekend reading and viewing: 17th - 18th May 2014

My Perspective:  2014 finalists
Down's Syndrome Association (UK)
Annual UK photo competition for photographers with Down syndrome - final 26. The shortlisted images are now in the process of being judged and the winners will be announced at Kew Gardens on Thursday 5th June. Click the link immediately under the thumbnail views to see the shortlisted photos on flickr.

Age Appropriate Adult Activities
Big Blueberry Eyes, 5th May 2014
... I'm not denying that Kayla isn't cognitively like a 10 year old, but I never refer to her as being, "10 years old, but more like a X yr old." She's Kayla, 10 years old." ... If we want her to learn how to be age-appropriate she needs to be with same-age peers; or else she will continue to learn and act much younger than her age ...

‘I had to find a way to tell this story’
Vancouver Sun, 9th May 2014
When writer Judy McFarlane was asked if she would help Grace, a girl with Down syndrome, to write a book, she realized she held deep, unacknowledged fears about Grace’s condition. Yet Grace’s passion to become a writer inspired McFarlane and Writing with Grace tells the story of McFarlane and Grace’s journey ...

Pre-natal tests are slashing the number of Down syndrome births, but some families are bucking the trend
Elisa Black, The Adelaide Advertiser, 9th May 2014
When Suzanne McAdam discovered her fourth child had a one in 11 chance of having Down syndrome, she knew she would have further testing to confirm the diagnosis. She also knew that, no matter the result, she would choose to keep her baby. Suzanne and husband, Ross, lost their first baby, Daniel, after a long and complicated birth. They know what it is to say goodbye to a child ...

Stop the platitudes about my son with Down syndrome
Anne Grunsted, Chicago Parent, May 2014.
... when I hear, “you are a special mother,” “God bless you,” and “I don’t think I could do it,” I don’t scowl in anger or digress into the rant burning on my tongue. I mutter something about the wonderfulness of Bobby and hastily turn away, ending the awkward situation. But don’t get me wrong, the anger is lurking. Bobby, after all, is right there, listening to these platitudes ...

My son lived for 10 days, and changed my life
Maureen Wallace, She Knows (Parenting), 8th May 2014
Lisa Simonsen is tough. At 42, unmarried but wanting to be a mom, she went through IVF to conceive her son, Carter. Months into her pregnancy, she learned he had Down syndrome — then promptly dove into research and a new, welcoming community. April 14 was Carter's due date, but he arrived prematurely at 23 weeks and lived only 10 days. The world he introduced to Lisa will last her lifetime.

Disability and the big screen
Louise Pascale, Ramp Up, 9th May 2014
Louise Pascale shares her experience of producing the documentary, Sons and Mothers - an intimate portrait of a group of men who meet weekly as a theatre troupe, and the creation of a theatrical love letter to their mothers.
  • Some of the men in the film have Down syndrome. Sons and Mothers premieres in Melbourne on Saturday 17th May, at 3.30 pm.  Click here for flyer

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