Friday 2 May 2014

Weekend reading and viewing: 3rd - 4th May 2014

Creating constellations. For Kristin
Kelle Hampton, Enjoying the Small Things, 1st May 2014
In the 5th grade, I sat next to a sweet girl with the same genetic makeup as your Nella.
I didn't expect the sentence that followed, and when I read it, my stomach flipped.
And I was mean to her ...

Children's Hospital Colorado, 22nd April 2014
In Sarah Hritz's short life, she has battled more challenges than most of us will ever know, many of them stemming from having Down syndrome. Her parents, Dave and Andrea Hritz, lovingly tell their family story in this video that asks us all what we know about Down syndrome and what in life is really the most important.

First and foremost, I am
Sigríður Ella Frímannsdóttir, Lens Culture, January 2014
This week's portrait series is from Iceland ... photographed in response to an article written by Halldóra Jónsdóttir, a young woman with Down syndrome, giving her opinion about pre-natal screening.

Obituary of Peggy Fray
Carol Boys, Down's Syndrome Association (UK), 1st May 2014
... Peggy’s lifelong mission was that people with DS and dementia should have automatic access to specialist care from professionals with a true understanding of their needs. She often talked about the importance of dignity and respect – some of the words used by John Langdon Down himself ...
(Margaret (Peggy) Fray's book, Caring for Kathleen, was the first family account of caring for a person with Down syndrome and dementia acquired by the Down Syndrome NSW library.)

What Slowing Down Teaches You That Rushing Never Will
Elisa Fryling Stanford (guest blogger), Thin Places, 29th April 2014
The mother of a child with Down syndrome joins her daughter’s rebellion against hurried living

"I can do it!": ways to grow your child's independence
(US) National Down Syndrome Society webinar series, 29th April 2014
Video and slides from the webinar are now available online (click on the title for the link).

These young models are changing the world
Stacie Lewis, Baby Centre, 30th April 2014
... It may sound strange, but the moment we will know these mothers’ campaigns have been a success, will be when we stop noticing their children altogether. When their child is just another adorable, ray of light smiling from a magazine page. When the media we watch, truly represents the people watching ...

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