Wednesday 16 July 2014

National Disability Forum announced

Acting Disability Commissioner Announces Forum

Australian Human Rights Commission, 14th July 2014
As the Age Discrimination Commissioner Susan Ryan today adds Disability Discrimination to her portfolio, she's announced plans to hold a National Disability Forum to work out ways she can improve lives for Australians with disabilities. 
Commissioner Ryan has taken advice from the recently departed Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Graeme Innes, who earlier this month called for a jobs plan to engage people with disabilities in the workforce. 
"I want to reinvigorate a national discussion and what better time to do this than now, as the Government considers significant changes to the welfare system, including the disability support pension," said Commissioner Ryan. 
In preparation for the forum the Australian Human Rights Commission will shortly release a survey asking people with disabilities to identify the key issues that they face, especially in relation to access to jobs. This will be used to inform discussion at the National Disability Forum (to be held in September) and to guide the development of the Commission’s future work priorities in advancing the rights of people with disabilities ... read the full announcement here.

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