Tuesday 15 July 2014

NSW Carers Advisory Council - seeking applications for membership

The NSW Carers Advisory Council will have a number of vacancies at the end of 2014 and is seeking applications for membership from people who have relevant knowledge of and experience in matters relevant to carers.

The NSW Carers Advisory Council was established under the NSW Carers (Recognition) Act 2010, to advance the interests of carers and to review and provide advice to the Minister on legislation, policy or other matters having a significant impact on carers.

The majority of Council members will be carers. Academics, researchers, individuals or organisational representatives with relevant knowledge of carers are also encouraged to apply.

Carers come from all walks of life and we encourage all carers including young carers, male carers, working carers, Aboriginal carers, carers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and carers from regional and rural areas to apply.

Appointments will be for four years. Sitting fees and associated costs will be paid. An information package and application form, including selection criteria, and further information is available here.

For enquiries, please contact the Office for Carers in the NSW Department of Family and Community Services on (02) 9248 0870 or by emailingnswcac@facs.nsw.gov.au

Applications close at 5pm on Friday 25 July 2014.

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