Friday 18 July 2014

Stepping Stones Triple P: free in NSW in 2015

Free Stepping Stones Triple P programs for Parents and training for professionals

Stepping Stones Triple P (SSTP) is a new initiative to support families of children with developmental disabilities. Research has shown the programs help to reduce children’s behavioural and emotional problems, decrease parent stress, and increase parent confidence. 

This initiative will make the programs widely available to NSW families with children with disabilities aged 2-12 years. It introduces parents to a range of proven strategies to encourage positive behaviour, teach new skills and to more effectively manage challenging behaviour.

The NSW SSTP Project is led by Professor Stewart Einfeld from the University of Sydney. The project has received approval from the University of Sydney Human Research Ethics Committee.

Professor Einfeld said the SSTP project aims to reduce high levels of emotional and behavioural problems in children with a disability by providing parents with more support.
“Children with developmental disabilities, such as autism spectrum disorders, Fragile X and Down syndrome experience three to four times the emotional and behavioural problems of typically developing children,” Professor Einfeld said.

“This has an enormous impact on parents, and understandably many struggle to cope with the daily demands of raising their child and the extra challenges it involves.”

The SSTP Project offers free parenting sessions through Stepping Stones, which is a Triple P – Positive Parenting Program for parents of children with a disability.

A 2007 study¹ found 71 per cent of children with a developmental disability showed substantial behaviour improvement after their parents completed a Stepping Stones program.

The three-state SSTP Project is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia, and is being rolled out in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria.
Parents and professionals can indicate their interest here: complete the My Say survey.

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