Tuesday 19 August 2014

A note to a school ...

If you have a little one with Down syndrome starting 'big' school next year, you are probably already in the thick of preparing both yourselves and the school for that big step.  These thoughts from the parent of a soon-to-be kindergartener will resonate, and might help you to articulate your own hopes in a succinct note to your school, in just a few short months:

Because Kindergarten Will Begin Soon
Pudge & Biggie, 4th August 2014
An open letter to my daughter's Kindergarten teacher...
... Please give her the washable dry erase markers I sent for her.  She will be a maniac with them and I don't have the funds to replace her Kindergarten wardrobe.  I can happily provide them for your class, if you'd like.  It will be cheaper for me in the long run.  Please don't leave her alone with any artistic medium that doesn't have "washable" as the first word in the description ... at least not if you are happy with the current state of your carpet ...

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