Friday 8 August 2014

Weekend reading: 9th - 10th August 2014

Living with intellectual disability in The Dreamhouse
Jan Gothard, The Conversation, 7th August 2014
... The series sets out to record a rite of passage: moving out of home. On board is a volunteer support crew who is working with the housemates and a “disability specialist” to develop the domestic, social and personal attributes necessary for success. Everyone is a winner; everyone can share the prize.
Yet the project aroused some disquiet within the disability support community when it was first mooted ...
I Couldn’t Find a ‘Back to School’ Ad That Included Kids With Disabilities… So I Made My Own
Katie Driscoll, The Mighty, 7th August 2014
... I scrolled through the beautiful imagery and you know what? I didn’t see anyone that resembled my daughter. Not one model in close to 50 ads included one child with a disability. Not one ...

  • Read about Julius Panetta's modelling carer here and here

David Perry, CNN Opinion, 6th August 2014
... It's hard to build a more inclusive society when people keep making fun of you. Even as people with disabilities and their allies make progress in so many ways, disability remains a target for mockery ...

Children with Down syndrome can bring great joy
Karen Hardy, Canberra Times, 6th August 2014
Ruth Faragher is your typical 18-year-old. She likes hanging out in Civic, going shopping with her friends and spending afternoons at Big Splash in Jamieson in the summer.

She’s thinking about studying to become a childcare worker once she’s finished school at Merici College, keen to make her own way in the world.

Ruth has Down Syndrome, one of the estimated 260 people in Canberra who do ...

Democracy, adults and children
Shamptons, 5th August 2014
... There are things happening in the world that disturb me greatly ... 'big picture' happenings where I can see how children's lives are disrupted, disturbed and sometimes destroyed by the conflict between adults. Gammy provides a peephole on to some of the same issues as they play out in the life of just a few individuals. His story resonates with me for many reasons ... one of my twins is male, the other female. One of my twins has Down syndrome, the other is 'typical'. My twin with Down syndrome was born with a congenital heart defect that required major heart surgery when she was just two months old. There the resemblence ends. I never dreamed of separating my twins ...

My Daughter With Down Syndrome Has Changed Me
our three little birds, 30th July 2014
When Ellie was born I knew my life was forever changed. I felt it, not in my heart but in the pit of my stomach. It was a fear that I would not be the same person from that day forward ...

You know it’s really love when… 
Laura Shumaker, 5th August 2014
... “You are so smart, Matthew,” I said, “You are funny and nice, and fun to be with. Girls like that.”

“I know,” he said, his brown eyes shining,” and if I was boyfriend and girlfriend with someone, I would want it to be like Dave who works with me at Camphill. Dave and his girlfriend get along really well and cook dinners together, and go to cool places and are so happy. But do you want to know the best thing of all? You have to guess.” ...

Online publications:
PWD eBulletin July 2014 (People with Disability Australia)
Link Disability Magazine, Vol 23, Issue 3, August 2013

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