Monday 8 September 2014

Step UP! update

Ready, Steady, Walk!!!

Step Up! for Down syndrome is on again this year and it’s time to put save the date so you don’t miss out.

Sydney - Sunday 19th October 2014

Picton - Sunday 19th October 2014 - new event - details to come

Wagga Wagga - Sunday 26th October 2014

Newcastle - Sunday 23rd November 2014

It’s easy to get involved –
  • Check out the four different events happening around NSW and decide which is best for you 
  • Register online HERE or by using the links below (or go to and choose your area)
  • Invite your friends and family to join in 
  • Get fundraising
  • Come on the day, walk and have fun!
For those joining us for the Sydney walk, you’ll be excited to know the walk will start and finish at the same place. So no more worrying about getting back to the car or dropping off picnic supplies, everything will be in the one easy location.

This year you will need to bring your own picnic and drinks (as there will be no food to purchase other than the nearby cafes and takeaway outlets located around Circular Quay).

If you’re not up to walking, you can still participate as we’re also looking for volunteers to help manage the day. If this interests you, please email us –

We’re looking forward to Step UP! for Down syndrome 2014 and are excited about reaching our fundraising goal of $50,000! Thanks for being a part of our team and helping make this day a fun and memorable event.

See you there!!!


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