Wednesday 3 September 2014

Stepping Stones parenting intervention in NSW: August update

A world-first parenting intervention is happening in New South Wales, and you’re invited to be part of it.

From early 2015, every parent and caregiver of a child with a disability in NSW can get free parenting support through the Stepping Stones Triple P (SSTP) Project. Click here to find out more.

Stepping Stones is an evidence-based parenting program which can significantly reduce child behaviour problems and improve parental wellbeing.

To access free help under this project, parents of children with a disability aged 2 to 10 are invited to first complete a survey called My Say and register their interest. Professionals who work in this field are also invited to do the My Say survey and register their interest in free training and resources.

So far, 142 parents and 395 professionals have responded to the survey, but we need to hear from a lot more. We’re using survey responses to help identify regions in high need of parenting support, so don’t let your area miss out! Please do everything you can to let local parents and professionals know about the SSTP Project and the importance of filling in the My Say survey.

You can also like the project’s Facebook page to help spread the word that free parenting support is coming to NSW.

I look forward to bringing you more information about the SSTP Project, and thank you in advance for your support.

Professor Stewart Einfeld
Principal Investigator, SSTP Project
FHS Senior Scientist, The Brain and Mind Research Institute

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