Friday 12 September 2014

Weekend reading and listening: 13th - 14th September 2014

Talking to kids about disability (and Voldemort)
What Do You Do Dear?, Mary Evelyn, 5th September 2014
... I looked behind me and watched his mother’s eyes widen with embarrassment as her face turned stop-sign red. She glared at her son, took him by the arm and mouthed angrily into his ear: “Don’t. Say. Anything.” ...

What Are You Going to Do When He Grows Up?
Mardra Sikora, Huffington Post, 9th September 2014
... here comes graduation day, barreling down like you never knew it was coming. The two-minute warning bell and you're standing without your homework, without your research paper, without a map to class ...

Margaret Sullivan, The New York Times, 9th September 2014
.... Kari Wagner-Peck, whose son has Down syndrome, thinks those comments constitute a form of hate speech and should not have been posted ... I heard from many readers who echoed Ms. Wagner-Peck’s sentiments ...

Disability and Friendship
Simeon's Trail, 9th September 2014
... Instead of encouraging friendship, I introduced the concept of pity, ie, "it's hard for him to do things." By congratulating her for doing what came naturally (playing with a same-aged peer), I highlighted the difference and gave her superiority in the relationship by telling her he needs help ...

Breastfeeding Josee…Ten Tips For Breastfeeding A Baby With Down Syndrome
The Milk Meg, 7th September 2014
... I now want to share with you some of the trials and tribulations we encountered as we learnt the breastfeeding ‘dance’; I always like to think of breastfeeding in this way! It really is like two people learning a new dance together; it takes lots of practice and patience ...

9 Things People Don’t Get About Special Needs Parents
Ellen Seidman, Babble, 10th September 2014
... in most ways I am just like other parents (and in most ways, Max is very much like other kids ...

What a difference differences make (Audio file 17m 59s + transcript)
Jane Mersky Leder, PRX (Public Radio), 17th July 2014
An intimate portrait of three adults with intellectual disabilities and the producer's journey from uneasiness to acceptance and love ...
Dr Brian Chicione, Adult Down Syndrome Clinic: She interviewed three adults with an intellectual disability, two of whom have Down syndrome. Perhaps I can sum up her journey by saying that she learned acceptance by getting to know the three individuals she interviewed, spending time with them and listening to them.

The Spaces In Between
Samantha Connor, The Stringer, 24th August 2014
... Paid support workers won’t hug you, but they will take you to your day programme. Friends and family live in the same circle, and they will hug you as much as you want. He looked at me. ‘Why are they in circles?’

That’s the question that keeps coming up. Who else in the world has areas firmly delineated by ‘professional boundaries’ when it comes to your day to day life? How can you compartmentalise your whole life into little circles? ...

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