Friday 19 September 2014

Weekend reading and viewing: 20th - 21st September 2014

11-Year-Old Makes Powerful Anti-Bullying Music Video for His Sister With Down Syndrome
Melissa McGlensey, The Mighty, 15th September 2014

... We live in a world where differences are all around us. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in these differences, especially when we see them in the people that surround us everyday. MattyB believes that everyone deserves the same thing: love. It's not always popular to love someone and embrace their differences, especially when others make fun of them. But being a leader means standing up for what you believe in and choosing to do the right thing... even when it's not always popular ...

When I Found Out My Daughter Had Down Syndrome: What I Wish I Could Take Back
Tara McCallan, The Mighty, 13th September 2014
One thing I wish I could take back when I found out Pip has Down syndrome, is all the tears I cried… sobbed… wept… Yep, “wept” is the right word… over the relationship I thought Noal would have with his sister ...
Pam Mellkog, Times-Call News, 16th September 2014
"Is he handicapped?" the 8-year-old asked.
"Yes, he is," I said, pleasantly surprised by the child's perception and straightforward question.
"Well, you never know with those handicappers, you never know what they're gonna do," he said ...

7 Morning Sensory Tips for You and Your Child with Special Needs

Ilana Danneman, The Friendship Circle, 16th September 2014
... Here are a few tips to get those muscles moving and brain cells working right from the start of the day. These tips are written for your sensory seeking, sensory deprived or sensory sensitive kids, but feel free to try them out on yourself first ...

Flexible working conditions for carers needed to meet ageing challenges
Carers Australia, 17th September 2014
 ... With an ageing population, becoming a carer-friendly workplace makes business sense. Providing flexible and supportive working conditions to enable employees to combine paid work with an unpaid caring role will ensure employers are able to hold onto experienced workers ...

Every Parent is an Advocate
Elly Sheller Rufer, Huffington Post (blog), 11th September 2014
... My goal, like that of most parents, has always been to ensure that my children have access to the best and most appropriate opportunities in life. What I have learned over three decades of working toward this goal is that the supports that are available to the parents of a "special" child differ dramatically from those that exist for a family with a "typically developing" child ...

What acceptance is not
Cynthia Kim, Musings of an Aspie, 17th September 2014
... We’re okay with all of it, just as it is.

How is that not giving up??? you may be wondering. How is that different from doing nothing?!

Because it’s not the finish line. It’s a starting point. From a place of acceptance, we can build coping strategies and learn new skills in a way that improves the quality of our life ...

(Not about Down syndrome, but the thoughts about acceptance are just as relevant).

Accessible Arts Newsletter, September 2014

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