Friday 26 September 2014

Weekend reading and viewing: 27th - 28th September 2014

For Barry Trotz and wife, transition to Washington centers around son with Down syndrome
Alex Pruitt, The Washington Post, 23rd September 2014
... at first it seemed ideal: grassy parks down the block, middle school within biking ... neighboring adults who invited them to an ice cream party and whose daughters knocked on the front door to invite Nolan to play kickball ... But summer soon ended. No more knocking, no more kickball. Then school started, and Nolan’s teacher was great, but a new environment with less individual attention led to acting out in class. At home, Nolan had grown quieter since the family completed its move in late August. Vocalizing his feelings had always been a struggle ...
Maureen Wallace, She Knows, 19th September 2014
... To be clear, I don't expect a ticker tape parade when I introduce my child with Down syndrome to an activity or organization. But I will always expect an equal level of interest that any other child receives — and I will always expect a mindset of willingness to try ...

Mary Evelyn, What Do You Do Dear? 19th September 2014
... She didn’t speak another word and, since making a complete stranger feel guilty/foolish/uncomfortable wasn’t on my “to do” list for the day, I felt terrible. Smooth move, Self ...

The Big Day - Stacey and Ian
Pink Shoe Photography, 19th September 2014
A beautiful, professional portfolio ... While the couple faced their friends and family, the pastor took a moment to appreciate this special couple. He said that all Stacy and Ian wanted was to be married to one another. That it was their dream. He asked everyone to take a moment to appreciate the love in their lives and he encouraged them to hold it tight and dear. Most of all, he requested that they never take marriage for granted ...

Welcome to Italy - Benvenuti in Italia
Linda Smarto, National Association for Down Syndrome Newsletter (via the Adult Down Syndrome Clinic Blog), 17th September 2014
Are you familiar with “Welcome to Holland”? It was written in 1987 by Emily Perl Kingsley. I think it is a wonderful analogy about taking a long awaited trip and having a child with a disability. Although, I will admit, it has always been a little “bitter sweet” for me ...

What not to say
The Diary of a Not So Ordinary Boy, 26th June 2014
Oh, people put their foot in their mouths all the time, so, in the interests of harmony between us, and me not jumping on your head, or down your throat, here is my list of ‘Things What Not To Say To A Parent Of A Child With Learning Difficulties Like, Say, Down Syndrome’ ...

Disabled Children Aren’t Burdens — or Angels
This Ain't Living, 25th September 2014
In popular narratives, disabled children seem to be framed continually as either one of two things. They are either precious angels sent to Earth to teach us all a lesson, or they’re burdens dragging on the lives of their parents and family members, who are forced to make tremendous sacrifices for them. Neither is true, and both are incredibly harmful not just for disabled children, but also for the adults who they grow into ...

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