Monday 27 October 2014

7th Down Syndrome World Swimming Championships: Mexico, next week

The 7th Down Syndrome World Swimming Championships will be held in Morelia, Mexico, from 7 to 15 November 2014

The Australian team of 24 swimmers leaves for Mexico on 29th October and their progress and success can be followed on Down Syndrome Swimming Australia.

Swimmers come from all around Australia, although most of them are Queenslanders. This is not to say that Queenslanders are better swimmers, but perhaps disability swimming is bigger there. 

The two NSW swimmers are Lucy Dumitrescu and James Lawrence. Lucy is one of the team captains. Congratulations on your selection. Team photos are here.

It is fantastic to see all these young athletes willing to put in the time and effort to train to this level.

Perhaps one day there will be a disability category for Down Syndrome athletes at the Paralympics.The Down Syndrome International Swimming Organisation is  trying to make this happen at the moment. 

Down Syndrome Swimming Australia is trying to show the professionalism and ability of our athletes to the swimming bodies here in Australia.

Follow the team in Mexico via the Down Syndrome Swimming Australia Facebook page and their website - you can send a herogram from here.  Messages will be collected and read out to the swimmers by the support team every day while in Mexico. Herograms are a great way to encourage the swimmers! They love receiving messages from home during the competition or from people they know. Spread the word to friends, supporters and people in your individual networks so others can send Herograms too. All Herograms will be available to families (from the website) on return from Mexico.

Good luck Team Australia, and safe travels - we will follow the competition and cheer you on.

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