Friday 24 October 2014

Carers' Day Out - new event

From Carers NSW - you might recall that Julia Taylor introduced her sister, Katie Steffens, to the Masterchef audience during the 2012 season, and that they have been active participants in the Every Australian Counts campaign:

In light of the recent cancellation of Carers Day Out at First Fleet Park, we have organised a FREE cooking demonstration for carers followed by a light lunch, featuring one-time Masterchef contestants and life-long friends, Julia Taylor and Alice Zaslavsky

This is a free event for all carers, but places are limited, so registration is essential.

When:             10.15am for a 10.30am start, finishing 1pm
                        Monday 3 November 2014

Where:            The Elston Room, Carriageworks
                        245 Wilson St, Eveleigh

RSVP:            Wednesday 29 October 2014
                        Carers NSW Communications Team
                        Ph: 02 9280 4744

Please advise dietary requirements when registering to attend.

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