Wednesday 29 October 2014

First Annual Report from the NDIA released: news and commentary on the NDIS (26)

NDIA - first annual report
The first annual report of the National Disability Insurance Agency was tabled in Federal Parliament today (29th October 2014). You can download the full annual report here. 

Brief summary of the first year over the four trial sites:
  • 7316 plans for people with disability
  • 94 % of participants with a plan rated NDIA planning good, or very good
  • average package costs were $34,600 per year... in line with the $35,000 average estimated by the Productivity Commission
  • approximately $130 million in funding was delivered
  • approximately 1350 NDIS service providers were registered
  • 11% of the 516 National Disability Insurance Agency staff live with a disability and 53% identified as having a lived experience of disability
  • long-term economic benefits of the NDIS are estimated to exceed its costs, adding around 1% to gross domestic product and saving $20 billion per year by 2035
 If you have difficulty accessing this and other reports, please contact the NDIA.

The NDIS one year in: Experiences of carers in the Hunter trial site
Carers NSW Issues Paper, September 2014
The paper summarises key issues arising for carers from the first year of the NSW trial of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The paper draws on research, consultation and policy analysis and intends to contribute to the ongoing refinement of NDIS design and implementation.

  • The NDIS held a webinar on 13 October, titled Families, carers and the NDIS, dedicated to carers as part of Carers Week. You can watch the webinar via the NDIS website. 

Carers’ Role in NDIS Uncertain
ProBono Australia News, 9th October 2014
The future of support for carers is “highly uncertain” as NSW transitions towards the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), according to a new report by peak body, Carers NSW ...

The National Institute of Labour Studies (NILS) at Flinders University is carrying out the NDIS Survey as part of its independent evaluation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The Social Research Centre is collecting the survey information on behalf of NILS. This evaluation is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services (DSS) ...

Field workers to ensure NDIS flows to Aboriginal community, conference toldAshleigh Gleeson, Herald-Sun, 1st October 2014
Specialised field workers will be employed to make sure Aboriginal people do not miss out on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, a Newcastle conference heard on Wednesday. Minister for Disability Services John Ajaka announced the NSW government would invest $480,000 to hire Aboriginal caseworkers who would serve indigenous communities “spread far and wide” ...

NDIS enters next phase in NSW
NSW Ageing, Disability and Home Care, Media Release, 22nd September 2014
Minister for Ageing and Minister for Disability Services John Ajaka today announced the next phase in NSW’s implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

“We’re about to start the process of transitioning the Home Care Service of NSW into the non-government sector, ensuring the sustainability of these vital services provided to some of our community’s most vulnerable,” Mr Ajaka said.

“As NSW moves towards the full rollout of the NDIS, services provided by government, including Home Care are being transitioned to the non-government sector
... read the full media release here

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