Tuesday 28 October 2014

Latest additions to 'events' listings

Down Syndrome NSW events

Show Off! Arts Festival
Showcases people with Down syndrome involved in all aspects of the arts. The all-day extravaganza includes live performance, exhibitions and workshops across dance, drama, music, film and fine arts.

This event is for families and community members to meet, connect and be inspired.
Official opening at 10.30am followed by live performance from 11am. Workshops during the day must be pre-booked - book online here 
10am - 3pm Sunday 30 November - Riverside Theatres Parramatta

Other events

Seminar -on exercise for people with intellectual disability, facilitated by Northern Intellectual Disability Health. RSVP 5th November.
Monday 10 November 2014 - Cremorne 

Ageing and Disability: Are we getting it right?
The Futures Alliance and Australian Association of Gerontology (NSW Division) are again working together to explore policy, practice and lived experience where the ageing and disability sector reforms intersect.
Tuesday 11th November 2014 - Kahibah (Hunter)

Enriching lives for people with disability
Family Advocacy workshop for families - Explore typical adult opportunities by considering the individual interests of your family member. We will look at strategies for helping a person with disability to have a good life and provide the advocacy tools to make this happen.
18th, 19th, 20th, 21st November 2014 - Newcastle, Forestville, Kingsford and Wollongong

The impacts of hearing loss on children under school age: A hidden issue of vital importance.
Paint the Town REaD seminar - Professor David Ryugo, Garvan Institute and UNSW; Catherine McMahon, Audiology Macquarie University; Barbie Bates, Paint the Town REaD
Tuesday 25th November 2014 - Parramatta

2015 events

It Starts with Us!
Down Syndrome Association of Queensland - Down Syndrome Education Conference for teachers, early childhood to tertiary level, all settings. Early Bird registration is now open.
Friday 13th and Saturday 14th March 2015 - Brisbane

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