Tuesday 21 October 2014

Selfie project: Women With Disabilities ACT

Women with Disabilities (ACT) announced this project on their Facebook page earlier this week:
WWDACT is embarking on a new project to encourage women of all abilities to be proud of who are, what they do and what they look like. The organisation is collecting "Selfies" of women doing every day activities whether it be participating in sport, art, social activities, or just being by yourself. 
It's easy. Just take a photo of yourself, upload it onto your computer and then e-mail it to us. If you have difficulty taking photos, just get someone else to. 
WWDACT is joining in the "Selfie Revolution" by beginning its own "WWDACT Selfies Revolution" to promote more positive body image perceptions of women with disabilities. Changing one perception at a time, it begins with us. 
WWDACT invites you to send in these "Selfies" and we will publish them in a tasteful and beautiful way. More information will be coming shortly, but we really hope you can participate now by e-mailing your selfie to wwdact@wchm.org.au

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