Friday 17 October 2014

Weekend reading and viewing: 18th - 19th October 2014

Into our 2nd decade of Down syndrome awareness walks
Mark Leach, Down Syndrome Pre-natal Testing, 13th October 2014
... At that first walk, I remember watching the older children and particularly the adults. I wondered if that was what Juliet would be like when she got to those ages. But, over the years, instead of watching these older children and seeing them as possible examples of what Juliet may be like, I’ve instead gotten to know them ... There is no set path, and there is no set outcome for Juliet. Instead, what attending the Walk has shown me over the years is that all these individuals with Down syndrome are just that: individuals. And, they each have their own lives that you’ll discover for yourself if you take the time to get to know them.

Why I'm not a good hero
Leah Thompson, Our Cora Bean, 13th October 2014
One of the most common sentiments you'll hear from parents of children with special needs is that we are not saints or heros. I'm sure that those labels sound like compliments. I'm sure those of you on the outside would think we'd be proud to be seen in that light. But the truth of it is, we don't feel like saints or heros ..

Dave Hingsburger, Rolling Around in My Head, 16th October 2014
... what I thought about, was that everything that was there for me, every single adaption, from the ramp to the building, to the door openers, to the disability signage, to the use of plain language, to the adapted booth, to the quick and ready assistance to move a table - every single thing represented a victory, represented a battle won for access and equal citizenship for people with disabilities. I was there voting because others fought, not for the right to vote but for the right to be able to vote - to access the electoral process ...

Why Taco Bell Threw This Boy With Down Syndrome a Seriously Awesome Party
Melissa McGlenser, The Mighty, 16th October 2014
It all started last year when Joe’s education assistant, Louise Sartor, helped him prepare a speech for his school’s annual public speaking event. Joe decided to research the history of his favorite dish ...

Bismarck parents buy coffee house for son’s future
Karee Mcgee, The Bismarck Tribune, 13th October 2013
... When Cristian McMerty, 13, was born with Down syndrome, the McMertys wanted to find a way for their son to succeed in life instead of being limited.

“You can set the bar low and reach it, but that’s a lot worse than setting the bar high and giving a person the chance to reach it,” ...

Judge: Lawsuit in police death of man with Down Syndrome can move forward
Peter Hermann, Washington Post, 16th October 2014
A federal judge in Maryland ruled Thursday that a wrongful-death lawsuit against three Frederick County sheriff’s deputies can move forward over claims of gross negligence for forcibly removing a young man with Down syndrome from a movie theater.

Robert Ethan Saylor died, which generated outrage among parents of children with Down syndrome and advocacy groups across the country. U.S. District Judge William M. Nickerson was just as scathing, writing in his 54-page ruling that “a man died over the cost of a movie ticket.” ...

2014 Special Olympics National Games
ABC TV, 14th October 2014

The 2014 National Special Olympics National Games start on Monday (20th October) in Melbourne - good luck to all the competitors, (especially all the NSW athletes with Down syndrome, of course!)

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