Friday 31 October 2014

Weekend reading and viewing 1st - 2nd November 2014

His Eyes, Her Voice
Dave Hingsburger, Rolling Around in My Head, 26th October 2014
... The baby grinned at me and I said to her parents, "What a beautiful kid you've got there." I meant it. They knew it. As we passed them I caught the little girl's father's eye. He looked at me with ...

My Kid Does It Too
Ellen Stumbo, Finding Beauty in My Brokenness, 26th October 2014
It happens in the life of almost every special needs mom, at some point we share a concern with a friend over what our child is doing – or not doing – and we’re met with the well intentioned, “Don’t worry about it, my kid does it too!” Except that, well, their kid doesn’t have a disability, so it really isn’t the same ...

It's not about you
Kerre McIvor, New Zealand Women's Weekly, 12th September 2014
... I sidled over and said, “All right, lovely to hear from you, but we’re going to have to wrap things up now.” Our impromptu speaker turned to me and said sharply, “No. You be quiet. This isn’t about you. It’s about me.” ...

The next two links are responses to a challenging article published recently by the UK Daily Mail:

What One Man With Down Syndrome Wants You to Understand
Mardra Sikora, Huffington Post, 30th October 2014
... But then he surprised me, as he has before and doubtless will again, when he intuitively knew more about the situation than I shared. He looked across the table and said, in his way, "Maken understand." ... So I asked, "Maken understand what?"

"Love," he said. Yes, friends, true story. His answer to the situation.

This is Stephen. His mother wishes he’d been aborted.
Dragana (Dianne) Draganavic, Kids Spot,  24th October 2014
... Like many parents of children with Down syndrome, Sydney mum Dianne Draganovich read Gillian’s story with dismay. Her own daughter Bella has Down syndrome, and she says it’s stories like this that add to community perception that people with Down syndrome are a ‘problem’ or unwanted or unlovable. Nothing, she says, could be further from her truth and the truth of most people she knows ...

Dance like no one's watching
The Australian Women's Weekly, November 2014
A 5 page spread about Melbourne dance group, e.Motion21 in both print and iPad version (not yet available online)

The Specials Vs The Zombies
The Specials get into the Halloween act in this short video clip.

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