Tuesday 4 November 2014

Health news, commentary, information

While we've been focussing on awareness, acceptance and inclusion, some excellent information on a range of health matters has been building up - time to get it out:

Screening for celiac disease in children with Down syndrome - from the Down Syndrome Clinic at Mercy Children's Hospital, Kansas City

The NDIS and health services - useful links to information on health services and the NDIS from Disability Directory

Dementia in those with Down syndrome now twice as likely - update of a report on the health of people with intellectual disabilities in Ireland, and health policy proposals

Silent aspiration - from the Adult Down Syndrome Clinic (Chicago)

Living life to the fullest with Down syndrome  - from the Adult Down Syndrome Clinic (Chicago)

Obsessional slowness - from 2010, re-posted by the Adult Down Syndrome Clinic in response to a recent question, about an uncommon but very challenging phenomenon

Three vulnerable patients a day die due to lack of care - a UK report (2014) says that ... 'A shortage of specialist nurses trained to care for people with learning disabilities is putting the lives of thousands of vulnerable people at risk ...'

Through the Looking Glass presentations - selected presentations from the 25th annual PANDDA (Professional Association of Nurses in Developmental Disability Australia)  conference held in October 2014 
  • Local information events about health matters are regularly listed on the Events page, here

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