Thursday 6 November 2014

New resources, publications

Durham author gets honest about parenting and Down syndrome
Corbie Hills, News-Observer (North Carolina), 3rd November 2014
Paul Austin’s daughter, Sarah, is thoughtful and helpful, though she goes about it her own way ...

Read more here:
Paul Austin’s daughter, Sarah, is thoughtful and helpful, though she goes about it her own way ... Her Dad's second book is an unflinching look at his own parenting experience. In the book, he’s not shy to admit his faults and failures. Over 278 pages, Paul documents the rocky path from the shocked new dad he was in 1987 – one who couldn’t see through his daughter’s Down syndrome diagnosis – to the parent he is in 2014, who simply sees a daughter, no qualifier needed ...

Not All History is Remembered Equally: Why You Must See the Film 'Menschen'
Kari Wagner-Peck, A Typical Son, 31st October 2014
This film is not (yet) on general release, but it is on the film festival circuit internationally - worth watching out for, if you are interested in the history of discrimination. Several video excerpts and lots of information are available on the film's website (links at the end of the post).

Royal Commission information and links
Children with Disability Australia provides links to information about all aspects of the work of the current Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, on its website, here.

Members' library
The Down Syndrome NSW library catalogue is available to view here.  

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