Friday 14 November 2014

Opal Card - pensioner concession cards now available

Transport for NSW has recently released the Opal Card for pensioners, including those with a Disability Support Pension. Other concession card holders can apply 'later'. 
Many people with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities use public transport regularly. Not having to handle money for fares for every trip, and not having to ensure they have the 'right' money will be welcome.

The Opal card is being rolled out across public transport in Sydney, the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Hunter, Illawarra and Southern Highlands. The Opal card can currently be used on ferries, trains, and many buses - check online for routes that are 'Opal enabled' so far, and for timelines for the full roll-out.

You can apply for your card online, by phone, or at an Opal card retailer. When you apply online, your eligibility is checked online as part of the process (via your pension/concession card number), very quickly. The card is then mailed to you within a few days, you can activate it online and begin to use it on public transport displaying the Opal logo.

There are a number of options for ordering, initial payment and 'topping up', so set aside some time (it took us about 20 minutes online, and the card arrived in three days) to go through the process and decide how you want to manage it.

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