Tuesday 25 November 2014

Urgent calls for national inquiry: End violence against people with disability in institutions

Following last night's investigative report on Four Corners (ABC TV - alternative viewing options are listed here), Women with Disabilities Australia and People with Disabilities Australia have issued a joint media release calling for an urgent national inquiry into violence against people with disability in institutions:
Urgent Call for National Inquiry: 
End violence against people with disability in institutions

People with Disability Australia (PWDA) and Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) are outraged at the events that were portrayed in last night’s ABC 4 Corners program, ABC 4 Corners program, In Our Care. This program exposes the deliberate cover-up of shocking and pervasive violence and exploitation perpetrated against people with disability along with corruption and mismanagement by Yooralla, a large disability service provider in Victoria.

PWDA and WWDA stand with the survivors of these horrific events, and with the families, advocates, support workers and former staff who have spoken out about these criminal activities. We call for an immediate National Inquiry into violence, including gender-based violence against people with disability living in institutions and residential settings as a matter of urgency.

“The events exposed in the 4 Corners program last night are not a random occurrence confined to Yooralla or the State of Victoria. Violence against people with disability in institutional and residential settings, including the significantly higher levels of violence experienced by women with disability is Australia’s hidden shame”, said Ms Carolyn Frohmader, WWDA Executive Director.

Ms Therese Sands, PWDA Co-Chief Executive Officer noted, “We welcome the commitment by the Victorian Government and Opposition to conduct an enquiry into the events at Yooralla. However, time and again, we have seen State and Territory inquiries focus on violence in specific institutions and residential settings, but the systemic and prevalent nature of this violence across Australia is not addressed. We argue that it is time for a National Inquiry to address the endemic nature of violence, exploitation and abuse in institutions and residential settings”.

“A National Inquiry would respond to a number of United Nations recommendations that urge Australia to investigate and address, as an urgent priority violence against people with disability, in particular women with disability living in institutions and residential settings”, said Ms Sands.

Ms Frohmader also stressed, “Australia has not implemented measures to address violence against people with disability through its National Disability Strategy, nor has the issue of gender-based violence experienced by women with disability in institutions been included in the National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and Their Children. On this International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, we say it's time that women with disability living in institutions were included in Australia’s response to eliminate violence against all women”.

PWDA and WWDA urge all who are concerned about this issue to sign the petition to urgently establish a national inquiry into violence, neglect and abuse against people with disability in residential and institutional settings.

For more information:
Factsheet: Violence against people with disabilities in Institutions and Residential Settings

Former disability discrimination commissioner calls for national inquiry into disability sector amid sexual abuse claims, Nick Grimm, The World Today, (ABC radio), 24th November 2014

Yooralla failings: no more excuses, Alan Blackwood, The Age, 25th November 2014

Disability Discrimination Commissioner calls for urgent action to protect people with disabilitiesHuman Rights Commission, 25th November 2014

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