Tuesday 16 December 2014

NDSC Convention 2015 - Phoenix, Arizona

Families from all over the world are welcomed at the (US) National Down Syndrome Congress's annual convention - something to consider if you are planning on being in the US in June. Programs cater for parents, professionals, siblings and people with Down syndrome:
Each year, thousands of people from across the globe attend the National Down Syndrome Congress Annual Convention. For most, it’s to hear the latest information from world-renowned experts. For others, it’s a great vacation. But, for nearly all, there’s the one-of-a-kind NDSC family reunion feeling that permeates the convention weekend.

43rd Annual NDSC Convention 
25th - 28th June 2015

JW Marriott Desert Ridge, Phoenix, Arizona

Convention Registration will open March 2015 

You can check out the 2014 Convention in the current issue of the NDSC's Down Syndrome News, here.

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