Tuesday 23 December 2014

People with Down syndrome in the media

Hands Across the Water on Facebook
Check the post from tosay (23rd December) for an update on baby Gammy, who is having his first birthday today.

More than 80,000 sign petition against deportation of man with Down's syndrome
Get West London, 16th December 2014
Supporters of Wadih Chouery yesterday presented an 80,000 signature petition against his deportation to Lebanon, where his family claim he would face abuse because he has Down's syndrome ... More than 80,000 people have signed an online petition on the campaigns website 38 Degrees demanding he be allowed to remain in the UK, where he has lived since leaving Beirut 17 years ago ...

Oscar Forman shoots hoops with Wollongong Hawks fan Caleb
Mitch Jennings, Illawarra Mercury, 17th December 2014
The Hawks' 3-12 start to the season may have tested the resolve of fans, but the faith of 11-year-old Caleb Jordan has never wavered. Caleb, a member of the KidzWish sports academy program, celebrated his 11th birthday on Friday by draining a few shots on the WEC floor at three-quarter-time in the Hawks' 82-77 victory over the Kings. He impressed the crowd with his prowess and on Wednesday shared a few shots with another sharp-shooter in his idol, Hawks captain Oscar Forman ...

From passion to paycheck
Jessie, VATTA, 15th December 2014
I always wanted to be a dancer ...  this was my journey to find myself. And now, I’m 24, soon to be 25. I am a professional dancer! I get paid to teach and to perform ... (reposted from Weekend reading ... because it deserves to be widely read).

Down syndrome students excel in new math teaching program in Canberra and Victoria
Claire Colley, Sydney Morning Herald, 14th December 2014
Maths is the most difficult school subject for 13-year-old Annie Lee, but thanks to a revolutionary new approach to teaching maths to people with Down syndrome it's now also her favourite ...

Having an ability to overcome disability
St. John Barned-Smith, Chron.com, 14th December 2014
Ezra Roy waited underneath the glare of the arena lights Saturday with 800 other students from Texas Southern University. He wore the standard-issued cap, gown, mortar board and liberal arts sash. It was graduation day, and the 26-year-old would receive his bachelor's degree in art, Magna cum Laude ... Three days after his son was born, a doctor announced that the premature baby also had Down syndrome ... While the young man sat with his classmates, eagerly waiting for the ceremony to get underway and to receive his diploma, Alvin Roy savored the moment ...

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