Friday 12 December 2014

Weekend reading and viewing: 13th - 14th December 2014

One-on-One with a Leading Down Syndrome Expert
Daliah Singer, 5280 (The Denver Magazine), December 2014 issue
Dr. Dennis McGuire on how perceptions of adults with Down syndrome have changed ...

Looking for Alice
Sian Davey
This series is an illustration of family life - all the tensions, joys, ups and downs that go with the territory of being in a family ... My daughter Alice, born with Downs Syndrome, is no different to any other human being. She feels what you and I feel ...

And Holland has Tulips
An interactive photo essay by Lani Holmberg

The pioneers who first got jobs outside sheltered workshops
Anna Patty, Sydney Morning Herald, 12th December 2014
Anna Chan has never considered herself a pioneer. But her decision 30 years ago to look for a job in the open labour market, bypassing the traditional path to a sheltered workshop, has earned her that recognition. Ms Chan, who has an intellectual disability, began work at a childcare centre in Concord in 1984 and today is one of its longest-serving employees ...

Stella Young's untimely death last weekend has prompted tributes nationwide, and internationally, within the disability and wider community. A public memorial service will be held in Melbourne, next Friday (19th December). Some links were posted earlier in the week. Here is a small additional selection:
Finding a legacy worthy of you … Craig Wallace, On the Record, 10th December 2014
Almost two days after learning of the death of Stella Young I’ve been slowly starting to think about how on earth we find a “legacy” worthy of her. It’s hard, so very hard, to think about the idea of a legacy for someone as vital and alive as Stella. Just as I can’t bring myself to use the pre-fix “the late” when talking about her ... 
Don't bugger off now: we need you, Graeme Innes, Howzat, 10th December 2014
... I would have loved her to write my eulogy. I never expected or wanted to write hers. “You can’t bugger off now: we need you.” ... 
The legacy of Stella Young, Australian disability advocate and comedian Elahe Izadi, Washington Post, 8th December 2014
... Young often spoke about how life in her body was not all that different from the lives lived by others without osteogenesis imperfecta; it was the way the world responded to her disability that made it challenging ...

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