Tuesday 13 January 2015

'The Interviewer' - now free online, from Bus Stop Films

What a wonderful way to start the year - Genevieve Clay-Smith's multi-award winning short film, The Interviewer, starring Gerard O'Dwyer, is now available for viewing online.  The film was made in 2012. Thanks, Bus Stop Films.
Made through the Bus Stop Films weekly film making workshops for people with an intellectual disability, this film has found it's way onto screens across the globe. Recently going viral in Europe after being exposed on Arte TV and Winning over 30 awards and screening at over 40 film festivals including Short, Shorts Film Festival & Asia, Cleveland, Flickerfest - this is a little film with a big message.
Thomas Howell gets more than he bargained for at an interview at a prestigious law firm. An insult about his tie, a rendition of Harry Potter, and the chance to change the lives of a father and son.

Bus Stop Films is a pioneering organisation which has a focus on creating inclusion within the film industry. So far Bus Stop has been involved with creating four inclusive films, that have been screened both nationally and internationally ... Bus Stop Films

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