Friday 23 January 2015

Weekend reading and viewing: 24th - 25th January 2015

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Mardra Sikora, Huffington Post (blog), 15th January 2015
... The general public, on occasion, puts me on edge. You see, I'm a bit paranoid and particularly attentive to how folks look at and react to us because Marcus, my adult son, has Down syndrome, and the patrons and employees at this Scooters tend to acknowledge Marcus but not bristle, are nice but not patronizing, a surprisingly tricky balance for some ...
Mardra Sikora's own blog, Grown Ups and Downs is one of the new links on our blog roll (scroll down the right hand column of this page)
Keetana Sastry, Bustle, 14th January 2015
The series that we all know and love came back in a great way as Glee tackled two important issues with powerful moments and quite a bit of class that has been inconsistent for the last several seasons ... 
Spoiler Alert: if you don't want to know what is happening with Becky's story in the new season of Glee, don't read this article.

These Are All the Things I Worried About When My Daughter Was Diagnosed With Down Syndrome
Sydnie Bell, The Mighty, January 2015
Looking back on our diagnosis day is quite surreal at this point. The feeling of having my perfect world shattered is hard to describe and painful to remember. I was scared. Could we handle raising a child with special needs? If I could write a letter to my past self, I’d say this:

Not only will you handle it, you will find your voice and your passion in it ...

Ollibean, 15th January 2015
... I could not believe how badly I had missed the boat. I was so caught up in the visual and the good feelings I had about doing this that I had not even considered that how she participated was her choice- and I had not even asked her. Without intending to, I had marginalized her ...

Education is power: An interview with Sarah Butler
My Choice Matters, 22nd January 2015
Sarah Butler discusses her passion for learning and how people with intellectual disability must be given the chance to further their education ...

Attitude - ABC TV series
Saturdays, 6.30 pm ABC 1
A showcase series on compelling stories of real people living with disability. Attitude will have 26 episodes which will air every week on Saturday at 6:30pm on ABC 1. You can view the latest episode on line here on iView.

NSW CID e-news
NSW Council on Intellectual Disability, January 2015
Find the latest news and information for people with intellectual disability - plus links to training workshops, conferences and interesting resources. Includes a link to subscribe.

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