Friday 6 February 2015

Weekend reading and viewing: 7th - 8th February 2015

My Son Is Not A Diagnosis
Above All Else, 31st January 2015
I've heard it spoken many times from parents of a child with Down syndrome, "I wish I knew then what I know now." These are parents who've gotten past the first couple of years and many of the initial unknowns since they first received the diagnosis ...

Climbing A Mountain of Disability Stigma in the Media
Emily Ladau, The Disability Dialogue, 30th January 2015
"Why must our stories be forced into a narrative mold of overcoming adversity and stigma, when in fact it is people harboring adverse and stigmatizing beliefs that should be overcoming them?"

Disability is not a Niche - Writing about Disability and its Challenges
David Perry, How Did We Get Into This Mess? 5th February 2015
One of my frustrations with disability writing is that it's often perceived as a niche, and a small one at that. Instead, it's us. All of us. Not all of us at once. Not all of us now. But disability is a fundamental component of the human condition. And of course disability is also diversity, rich in its various forms. Studying disability forces us to shed our narrow normative ideas of what normal is and isn't. My maxim: Disability is not a niche ...

Our freedom of speech comes at a price
Callum MacKinnon, The Scotsman, 5th February 2015
... Freedom of speech is a cornerstone of a fair and democratic society but it is one that is loaded with responsibility ...

Dave Hingsburger, Rolling Around in My Head, 3rd February 2015
... When you express that you love your child, as is, the sentiment is often, 'Your child is lucky to have a parent like you.' A child is lucky, LUCKY, to have a parent that loves them? Yeah, luck ...

Belonging Matters is the website of a Victorian organisation of the same name. It provides resources such as 'Talks that Matter' - videos of their workshops, on a wide range of topics (free). Other resources are available to buy.
Belonging Matters aims to inspire people with a disability, their families and allies to enable people with a disability to have opportunities and pathways typical of other citizens in the community - lives that are personally fulfilling, unique, socially inclusive and empowering.
"... we don't do it with slick marketing campaigns, we don't do it by hiding people with disability away in special schools or in segregated work places, we don't do it by using our prison systems as alternative accommodations for people with intellectual or cognitive disability and people with mental illness. We do equality and inclusion by actually doing it!" Graeme Innes, Quote of the Month for January 2015, on Belonging Matters

Bus Stop Films You Tube Channel
Award winning Bus Stop Films continues to add films to its new You Tube Channel.  The most recent is Frances and Annie, made in 2009, for which Tracie Sammut won a best actress award for her portrayal of Annie at Russia's Kinofest in Novemebr 2014.

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