Thursday 5 February 2015

It's T 4321 time again...

T4321 ('Tea for Trisomy 21) is held throughout the month of March to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day and the lives and achievements of people with Down syndrome.

This year is extra special, as Down Syndrome NSW is turning 35! So this year, our celebrations are going to be bigger, bolder and better than ever before!

To celebrate the occasion and to raise funds for the state-wide library service offered by Down Syndrome NSW (DS NSW) we have three different options available:
DIY Events - hold your own fundraising and awareness events with friends, family and work colleagues - see below for some great suggestions! 
Saturday 21 March - Family Fun Day - come along and enjoy a day of carnival style fun at Lollipops Playland Parramatta. 
Saturday 21 March - High Tea - celebrate in style with 'Afternoon Tea with Wedgewood' at The Langham, Sydney
Considering a DIY event?
The concept is simple –
Hold an event that suits you - make it as big or small as you like, at any time during March.
Go to our T4321 website and set up a fundraising page (it will only take you 5 minutes!)
Invite your friends, family, work colleagues, neighbours, local business owners, librarian, dietician, favourite cat, great Aunt Mildred etc...... to come along. 
Tell everyone why you're having the event (to raise money for Down Syndrome NSW and the lives and achievements of people with Down syndrome). Don't be shy - if people know from the beginning what it's all about, they are more likely to contribute and participate. 
Have FUN!
If you can't hold or attend an event and would still like to donate, simply click HERE.

We'll be sending out more information about our Family Fun Day and High Tea event sin the coming weeks, so keep checking back and make sure you've already put Saturday 21 March in your calendar!

We are here to help. If you have any questions, need ideas or want more information, then contact Sarah or Ben at Down Syndrome NSW on 02 9841 4444 or

What type of event will you have?
The options are limitless - use your creativity. A lot of people choose to celebrate with a morning or afternoon tea but why not consider something a little different? Here are a few ideas: 
Organise your child's school/class to have a mufti day – silly socks, coloured tie, crazy hair 
Host a cupcake decorating class (see if your local bakery will donate the cupcakes and just buy the decorating items). Have everyone pay to come along 
Host a Tupperware / Thermomix / Avon / jewellery etc party and speak to the host to see if you can incorporate a fundraising option 
Host lunch or dinner at a restaurant / cafĂ© / club with raffles or ask the venue to discount your menu price with the difference going to Down Syndrome NSW 
Ask your local cafe to donate their tips from the month (or week or even day) to Down Syndrome NSW 
If you have an association with your local Bowling Club or RSL see if they would donate some of their earnings on one night (21st March would be ideal!) to Down Syndrome NSW or perhaps they will host a special fundraising event with you 
Ask you local Bunnings if you can host a BBQ 
Go golfing - for every shot over Par, the person has to donate a certain amount 
Talk to your work about holding a fundraiser - see if they will match what you raise dollar for dollar. Or ask them to promote your fundraiser around the workplace and inspire others to host their own events 
Update your Facebook Page with what you are doing - ask others to not just donate but to host their own event. 
Board games, sports days, book can incorporate a fundraising element into any event that interests you. What can you think of? 
Be bold - inspire others to do something. The more people involved, the more money we can raise and the more people celebrating the lives and achievements of people with Down syndrome, the better!

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