Tuesday 24 February 2015

Latest additions to events pages

Down Syndrome NSW events

T4321 ('Tea for Trisomy 21)
T4321 ('Tea for Trisomy 21) is held throughout the month of March to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day and the lives and achievements of people with Down syndrome. This year is extra special, as Down Syndrome NSW is turning 35! So this year, our celebrations are going to be bigger, bolder and better than ever before!
21st March 2015, and throughout March 

T4321 Family Fun Day 2015
There will be plenty of activities for the whole family; World Record Attempt, indoor play equipment for the youngsters (10mths – 13yrs), rock wall climbing (enclosed shoes needed), petting zoo, singers/performers, cartoon characters, pamper zone, craft room, cupcake decorating and lots more!

The day will culminate in a world record attempt for the ‘Most people wearing the same socks’. We’re aiming for 321 socks!
Register here.

Saturday 21 March 2015
- Lollipops Playland Parramatta

Other events
These links provide information about events run by organisations other than Down Syndrome NSW that might be of interest to people with Down syndrome, their families, carers and the professionals who support them. They have been added to our 'Other 2015 events' page for ease of reference.

Arts + Disability Expo
Accessible Arts is proud to announce Australia's inaugural Arts + Disability Expo. The expo is a 2 day event showcasing the products and services available for individuals is the arts and disability sector. Featuring exhibitors across the arts and disability sectors, interactive demonstrations, discussions and live performances, the Expo will provide individuals, groups and families greater choice and resources to fully participate in the arts.
18 and 19 September 2015 - Carriageworks, Sydney

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