Wednesday 18 February 2015

News and commentary on the NDIS (29)

Recently, much attention has focused on formulating and implementing safeguards and prevention of abuse under the NDIS, including a consultation process now open on quality and safeguards:

NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework
Department of Social Services
The NDIS supports people with a permanent and significant disability that affects their ability to take part in everyday activities. The Scheme is being progressively rolled out in trial sites around Australia. 
Commonwealth, state and territory governments are developing a national approach to quality and safeguarding for the NDIS. 
We are looking at ways to make sure the NDIS provides quality supports, choice and control, and keeps people safe from harm. 
We want to hear what you think about the options for quality and safeguarding and how they will affect you ...
7 News/AAP, 16th February 2015
The federal and state governments could bring in a single system for checking the background of disability care workers. The recommendation is made in an issues paper released by disability ministers following a meeting in Melbourne on Monday ...

NDIA national disability plan useless without more funding, say unions
PM (ABC Radio), 12th February 2015
The ABC has obtained a draft copy of the National Disability Insurance Agency's proposed safeguards to prevent abuse and reduce the use of medication to restrain people who are violent. Disability advocates say it's a good start, but unions are warning safeguards will be useless unless the scheme has more money ...

Control and choices for people with intellectual disabilities
Life Matters, Radio National (ABC), 11 February 2015
At the heart of the National Disability Insurance Scheme is the aim to increase control and choice for people living with disabilities, but for people with profound or severe intellectual disabilities communicating their needs and desires is difficult. People can be left sitting for hours, waiting for something to happen in their day while their carers do things for them. But a different approach aims to change that. It’s called Person Centred Active Support and gives people greater agency over their own lives ...

Other NDIS matters

NSW Council for Intellectual Disability e-News, February 2015
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has renamed ‘tier 2’ to ‘Information Linkages and Capacity Building’. Most people with intellectual disability will fall into this category and will make up the largest group of people accessing the NDIS.

NSW CID welcomes the NDIA’s initiative to undertake consultation, however, we are concerned that there is no mention of outreach for people who live on the fringe of society.
Without a very active process of outreach and relationship building, individuals living on the fringe are unlikely to see the potential benefit of the NDIS and/or seek assistance from it. NSW CID will be working on this issue to ensure that appropriate outreach is undertaken to ensure people living on the fringe obtain information and access the NDIS ...

Outdated job service ‘defeating the NDIS’
Rick Morton, The Australian, 10th February 2015
The National Disability Insur­ance Scheme is failing to work with the federal government’s antiquated $1 billion employment service and is being forced to push people into controversial sheltered workshops, says chief executive David Bowen ...

NDIS Step 1: Think and Prepare
Every Australian Counts, 6th February 2015
The NDIS is coming. Admittedly not fast enough for many of us but the fact that it will be rolled out across Australia in the next few years means now is a good time to start thinking about how to prepare. Every Australian Counts has talked to lots of people in the trial sites and asked them what they think people with disability need to do to get ready for the NDIS ...

Carers NSW, 7th October 2014
... an issues paper which summarises key issues arising for carers from the first year of the NSW trial of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The paper draws on research, consultation and policy analysis and intends to contribute to the ongoing refinement of NDIS design and implementation ...

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