Friday 13 February 2015

Weekend reading and viewing: 14th - 15th February 2015

When My 2-Year-Old With Down Syndrome Met a Grown Up Like Him at the Hair Salon
Anne Grunsted, The Mighty, 7th February 2015
... I didn’t need this mother’s empathy for what Bobby had already been through, but I needed her hope for his future. She knew, and she willingly obliged, painting me a picture of her son’s good life ...

Proudest day of my little girl's life was ruined for us
Brendan O'Connor, The Irish Independent, 8th February 2015
... If you met Mary you would notice the fact that she has a disability ... You certainly wouldn't need to get her to jump through hoops and ask her to prove that there are things she can't do. You wouldn't need to ask me and her mother intrusive questions. You would get it.
But the State doesn't get it. They need to humiliate Mary and her family in order to ascertain whether she is officially disabled enough to merit some extra help. They need to label her, and we have to play along with this labelling. It's disgusting really ...
When a Little Boy With Down Syndrome Came Up to My Daughter
Amy Fields, The Mighty, 3rd February 2015
... You opened your mouth to apologize to me. But then you heard laughter and turned around to see your son tickling my daughter. In her wheelchair. Two children. One with cerebral palsy and one with Down syndrome. Your frown turned into a smile as you recognized another invisible solider ...
Confessions of a Special Needs Parent: Please Don’t Praise Your Kid for Playing With Mine
Ellen Stumbo, Hope and Encouragement for the Special Needs Parent, 13th January 2015
... I want to encourage that friendship, I think you do too.  But ... When you say your kid is great because he/she chose to play with mine, at that very moment, your child went from seeing just another friend, to seeing kids like mine as different, as someone defined by their disability, as someone who is somehow flawed, and only an exceptional person plays with them or becomes their friend. I know that is not what you are trying to communicate, I know that, but unfortunately, it does ...
An Open Letter to Jules Anderson
Samantha Connor, The Stringer, 12th February 2015
... You were speaking up for every single Australian man, woman and child living in residential care or an institutionalised setting today. You were speaking up for every woman who was not believed when they told others, every man and child whose voice was not heard.
You spoke up with dignity, clarity and determination that this would never ever again happen to any other person with a disability ...
... As a woman with a disability and someone who cares about the safety and rights of others with disability – thank you, Jules. Thank you from all of us.

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