Wednesday 25 March 2015

Education support funding: I give a Gonski campaign

A current campaign is focussing on funding for the support of children with disability in Australian schools, in light of the Government's response to the  2011 Gonski Review. The Australian Education Union is at odds with the Government on how funding is being applied, and how much is available:

Petition for Gonski funding to include children with disability
NSW Council on Intellectual Disability E-News, March 2015
There is no Gonski funding for over 100,000 children with disability – one third of the total number in our schools. 
Every year that this continues is another year these children are denied the chance to reach their potential. 
Please add your name to this petition calling on the Abbott Government to honour its commitment and properly fund the education of all students with disability. Click here to find out more and sign the petition.

Students with disabilities lobby Government ahead of May Budget
Radio National Breakfast, 24th March 2015 (audio file)
More than 100,000 students with disabilities across Australia are being denied access to education because of a lack of government funding. On top of that, many other students are receiving inadequate support.

At the last election, the Abbott Government promised to redress the problem - but students and their families are still waiting. Today they're holding a national day of action at Parliament House to lobby the Government ahead of the May Budget.
New AEU report shows most principals can’t meet needs of students with a disability, 24th March 2015
Four out of five principals currently lack the necessary resources to meet the needs of their students with a disability.

Damning new statistics from a landmark 2015 State of our Schools report reveals Australia’s most vulnerable kids are missing out on much needed support in the classroom ...

Australian Education Union media releases, 24th March 2015:

Pyne needs to face the facts on his broken promise on disability schools funding
Education Minister Christopher Pyne needs to face up to his Government's broken promise on disability funding, and take the lead in addressing the huge levels of unmet need in the education system, the AEU said today ...
Abbott must keep his promise to fund disability in schools 
New research by the AEU has found that eight-out-of-ten principals do not have the resources they need to educate growing numbers of students with disability, and that their learning is suffering as a result ...
Labor and the AEU's Shameful Scare Campaign, Minister for Education and Training (media release), 24th March 2015

Government can't turn its back on students with disability, Shadow Minister for Education (media release), 24th March 2015

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