Tuesday 10 March 2015

Looking well ahead

Kelle Hampton's blog Enjoying the Small Things is on our list of 'Blogs we read' (scroll down the right hand column of this page) because she consistently writes thoughtful posts that resonate with families, particularly those of young children with Down syndrome, illustrated with her beautiful photos of her family life.

In this post, If you build it they will come, she talks about imagining 5 year old Nella's future, and taking an opportunity to actually see some of the possibilities up close, by meeting with and interviewing some people with Down syndrome enrolled in a college program.

More on post-secondary education:

Centre for Disability Studies (University of Sydney), March 2015
Ten students with an intellectual disability have joined the Inclusive Education Program hosted by the Centre for Disability Studies to participate in lectures and university life over the next two years. The semester kicked off with a range of activities including an Orientation Day ...

A college experience for students with intellectual disabilities
Jeff Walker, Cincinnati.com, 16th February 2015
College might seem out of reach for students with intellectual disabilities. But some area colleges and universities are offering programs to make it a reality. Not only are these students getting a taste of the college experience, they're acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary for them to succeed in the workplace while matching them with careers to best fit their talents ...

Study Finds Postsecondary Programs Boost Outcomes
Shaum Heasley, Disability Scoop, 20th January 2015
Individuals with intellectual disabilities who attend postsecondary programs are finding greater success in the job market than those who do not pursue further education, a new study suggests.

Graduates of postsecondary programs reported higher rates of employment since completing high school, according to findings published online this month in the Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. The research offers support for a growing number of programs at colleges and universities specifically geared toward young adults with developmental disabilities ...

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