Thursday 5 March 2015

Nuts and bolts

Another critically important reminder in Down Syndrome Education International's weekly series in the lead up to World Down Syndrome Day (21st March 2015):
#18. Hearing loss is common and impacts speech and language developmentDown Syndrome Education International, 4th March 2015
It is well established that hearing loss is common among children with Down syndrome, although the reports of the prevalence and the extent of these difficulties vary. Hearing problems make it more difficult to learn spoken language and develop clear speech. Despite the importance of hearing for development, there is a lack of research and consensus on the most effective treatment options ... read more here
Supported living in the UK
The London based Down's Syndrome Association has posted a series of short videos about the experience of people with down syndrome in supported living in the UK:

Choosing where to live is a big decision. More and more adults with Down’s syndrome are deciding to move out and live in their own home with support. This is called supported living ... watch the videos online here.

Wills for People with Intellectual Disability
The Intellectual Disability Rights Service (IDRS) is a specialist legal advocacy service for people with intellectual disability in New South Wales, ... (working) with and for people with intellectual disability to exercise and advance their rights. You can see the full list of their services on the website. Publications include crucial advice on practical legal matters, published in easy English, such as ...

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