Tuesday 17 March 2015

'The Special Proposal' - World Down Syndrome Day 2015 campaign

Down Syndrome Australia is proud to announce the release of a wonderful new video produced for World Down Syndrome Day 2015.

The Special Proposal was produced by Italy's CoorDown (famous for last year's wonderful Dear Future Mom), and this time, Down Syndrome Australia along with other leading international Down syndrome organisations were invited to contribute to the production of this wonderful video celebrating World Down Syndrome Day 2015. 

Use #specialproposal on social media to spread the word and see what others are saying!

We have embedded the video below, but you can also view it on its own website at www.thespecialproposal.com, or on CoorDown's YouTube Channel at youtu.be/lnaajSxOsWI
It conveys a very important message to the community about the rights of people with Down syndrome to pursue relationships and independence and the universal need for love, connection and companionship.
It's World Down Syndrome Day #‎WDSD15‬ in a few days on 21st March, and we'd love you to celebrate with us.

Visit Down Syndrome Australia's website here to see some exclusive behind-the-scenes photos from The Special Proposal.  Want to give your support by donating or in some other way? There is a donate button at the end of the video that also connects you with the associations that collaborated on the video (scroll down and click on the logos). 


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