Thursday 9 April 2015

Mental health: recent publications

Journal of Mental Health for Children and Adolescents with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: An Educational Resource
Volume Six, Issue One, March 2015
  • What will the NDIS do for subspecialty expertise and the multidisciplinary services for complex mental health problems of young people with intellectual disability? Implications from the Centre for Disability Study’s review of the Developmental Psychiatry Clinic by David Dossetor
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders: Implications from the changes in DSM-V by Louisa Carroll
  • The Medicine Cabinet: FAQs for Allergies and Anaphylaxis by Judy Longworth
  • The Community Room: Connecting schools, support agencies and families and transforming lives by Michelle Montgomery

  • Developmental Disabilities, Challenging Behaviour and Mental Health: Research to Practice and Policy– Conference Review by Rowan Keighran

  • Book Excerpt: Ten things every child with Autism wishes you knew by Ellen Notbohm
  • Equal before the Law: Towards Disability Justice Strategies by Terry Sarten

  • The Client Monitoring and Review System (CMRS) by Rachel Rowles and Lesley Whatson
  • Interview with Professor Julian Trollor

Psychiatric disorders in adolescents and young adults with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities 
Elizabeth Dykens et al, Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (2015) 7:9
published online 1st March 2015
Relative to other aspects of Down syndrome, remarkably little is known about the psychiatric problems experienced by youth and young adults with this syndrome and if these problems differ from others with intellectual disabilities. Yet adolescence and young adulthood are particularly vulnerable time periods, as they involve multiple life transitions in educational, medical, and other service systems ... These preliminary observations warrant further studies on genetic, neurological, and psychosocial factors that place some young people with Down syndrome or other IDs at high risk for severe psychiatric illness.

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