Wednesday 29 April 2015

On the arts ... quality counts

Contemporary Art Center Shatters The Idea That Artists With Disabilities Are Outsiders
Priscilla Frank, Huffington Post, 10th April 2015
... The term "outsider art" can be used to describe artists beyond the confines of the artistic institution, whether due to physical isolation, developmental disability or the simple desire to work apart from the academic mainstream. Instances of collaborations like "Super Contemporary," however, illuminate the marginalizing aspects and inaccuracy of the moniker. "I think 'outsider art' -- we should just ditch that word," said Sharaf ...

Quality is crucial for disability arts: poor work fails artists and audiences
Lyn Gardner, The Guardian, 25th April 2015
... Purpose and artistic quality was an issue raised at Mind the Gap’s recent event in Bradford on learning disability performance, where a range of international speakers and participants considered issues around ownership, as well as quality and positioning in work made by disabled artists ...

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