Friday 10 April 2015

Weekend reading and viewing: 11th - 12th April 2015

How do children learn about difference?
Embracing Wade, 3rd April 2015
I want to tell you a funny story about what happens when two kids who are incredibly advanced for their age interact with a kid who is developmentally delayed. I want to tell you this story because,
A) it was absolutely hilarious.B) it’s a story of what happens when competition, ego and status don’t influence relationships ...
Walls of Glass
Abby Braithwaite, Hip Mama, 3rd April 2015
"You know, sometimes I think God just gives us what we can handle.”

Oh, I’d heard this one before. I get it a lot, in fact, from well-meaning people who aren’t sure what else to say when faced with a mom who is living their greatest fear, with a child who calls into question the very root of their human quest for perfection. I’m never quite sure why anyone’s god has to come into it ...

Day In the Life – and What a Day!

Mardra Sikora, Lessons More Special Than The Needs, 8th April 2015
... Today we got up just as the sun did. In fact, between the time Marcus got out of bed (slowly, as we are not “morning people”) and made his way downstairs... Marcus called out the window – “It’s too early to be day out!” Still, the sun kept rising anyway and we dressed and readied ourselves.

Of Catholic Schools, Down Syndrome, and Hospitality
Richard Becker, Catholic Exchange, 8th April 2015
I sat across the table from Miss Retseck, the principal of our parish grade school. It was spring, and we were discussing how I’d manage tuition for my kids the following fall. “You’ll have four Beckers on your hands,” I jested. And then, in passing, I added, “Of course, if Nicky wasn’t going to the public school, you’d have five.”

“The public school?” Miss Retseck shot back. “Why?”

“Well,” I faltered, “with Nick’s Down syndrome and all, we figured the public school was the best option – you know, for therapy and services.”

Miss Retseck’s eyes narrowed; her reply, solemn. “Why don’t you let
us try?” ...

To the Mom or Dad Who Told Their Child Not to Stare at Mine
Beth Hersom, The Mighty, 31st March 2015
... You shush your child and pull them away quickly, and I know you’re doing it to save my feelings, but my feelings are not so fragile and your action is doing real damage. You’re teaching your child to be afraid of what they don’t understand. I bet that most of you have a short conversation about diversity and not staring later; you’re good parents, after all. I would like to challenge you to have the conversation right there. Put a smile on. Say hello ...

Bus Stop Films Highlight reel

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